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Search for an experiment

Search is a very important part of this portal given the number of experiments we have. To locate experiments of interest, a simple and effective search functionality is provided.

Figure: Search for experiments
Image filterexp

Figure[*] shows the screen to filter experiments.

Following are the components of this module:

1) Organism: Experiments could be filtered by selecting one of the organism from the combo box named ``organism''. Three options proved are human, mouse and rat.

2) Sample type: Three sample types are provided for selection. Tissue, cell line and motif score. Select appropriate from the combo box.

3) Data type: Six data types are available for selection from the combo box.

4) Portal: All the available portals are listed here. Select a portal if you want to limit your search to that particular portal.

5) Keyword: This could be a name of experiment, a word in description or reference.

Let's search for experiments with keyword ``miller'' across all organisms, sample types and portals as an example.

Figure: Filter experiment result
Image filterExpResult

Figure [*] shows a part of the result page. As shown above, all the experiments found for the search criteria are listed in a table. Notice the ``Query'' and ``Cluster'' buttons in the last two columns of the table. These buttons provide a way to analyze the experiments and are explained in detail in following sections.

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