GenomicsPortals is a web-based integrative computational platform for the analysis and mining of genomics data. We aim to integrate the primary genomics data, functional knowledge base and analytical tools within a single framework.
Genomics datasets are organized thematically into different portals. Different portals can contain datasets related to different diseases (eg Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer), specific types of genomics data (eg Epigenomics and Transcription Factors), or different biological processes (eg Development). The same dataset can be assigned to different portals.
A typical analysis starts by constructing a list of genes by either using the predefined lists of pasting a gene list of interest, querying one of the databases with genome-scale data and producing analysis summaries. One can also start by searching for dataset of interest, and then constructing the query gene lists. In this case, one can also construct gene lists by browsing pre-computed clustering results.
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