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Search for genes of interest using entrez id, symbol or description.

This section describes how to search for genes in the database and proceed with the analysis of genes found in search results.

Figure: Search genes
Image search_genes

Figure[*] shows gene search page. This can be retrieved by clicking on the ``Gene List'' tab in the left menu. Genes could be searched by one of the three parameters: Gene ID (Entrez ID) e.g. 2099, symbol e.g. ``ESR'' or description e.g ``estrogen''. Type the value in the text box shown above. We can limit the search to a specific organism if required e.g. human, mouse or rat. For this example let's search for symbol ``ESR''. To do this, first select ``Symbol'' radio in the left column, type ``ESR'' in the text box. Select human from the Organism combo box (default is to look across all organisms) and click submit.

Figure: Gene search result
Image gene_search_results

Figure[*] shows the search result. Now we have all the genes with symbol ``ESR'' or similar symbol names. To analyze gene(s) select all the genes of interest and then click submit. Now we are presented a screen to select an experiment to analyze. From this point on, we proceed as explained in previous section ``Using predefined gene lists''.

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