Research Description |
Medvedovic is developing new statistical and computational
procedures for the analysis of complex genomics data, and applying these methods
in collaborative boimedical research efforts. His recent work is focused on the development and application of unsupervised statistical
learning approaches based on the Bayesian infinite mixture model. The focus of
his collaborative research is in molecular studies of breast and prostate
cancers. |
Education |
University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia B.S. 1992 Applied Math/Computer Science Bowling Green State Univ., Ohio M.S. 1994 Applied Statistics University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Ph.D. 1998 Biostatistics |
2007 Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati 2004-2007 (Secondary app) Assistant Professor, Division of Biomedical Informatics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Research Foundation 2004-2007 Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati 2001 Associate Director for Bioinformatics, Center for Biostatistical Services, University of Cincinnati. 2001 Member of the Center for Genome Information, University of Cincinnati. 2000- 2004 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati. 1999–2000 Senior Research Associate, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati. 1994–1998 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati. 1996–1996
Adjunct Instructor, College of Evening and Continuing Education,
University of Cincinnati Adjunct Instructor, University College,
University of Cincinnati 1992-1994 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Bowling Green State University. |
Most Recent
Freudenberg JM, Sivaganesan S, Wagner M, Medvedovic M.
Semi-parametric Bayesian model for unsupervised differential
co-expression analysis identifies novel molecular subtypes. BMC
Bioinformatics, Accepted 2010.
Shinde K, Phatak M, Freudenberg JM, Chen J, Li Q, Joshi VK, Hu Z,
Ghosh K, Meller J, Medvedovic M. Genomics Portals: Integrative
Web-Platform for Mining Genomics Data. BMC Genomics. 2010 Jan
13;11(1):27. [Epub ahead of print].
Stark JM, Barmada MM, Winterberg AV, Majumber N, Gibbons WJ Jr, Stark
MA, Sartor MA, Medvedovic M, Kolls J, Bein K, Mailaparambil B,
Krueger M, Heinzmann A, Leikauf GD, Prows DR. Genomewide association
analysis of respiratory syncytial virus infection in mice. J
Virol. 2009 Dec 16. [Epub ahead of print].
Freudenberg MJ, Joshi KV, Hu Z, Medvedovic M, CLEAN: CLustering
Enrichment ANalysis. BMC Bioinformatics
Medvedovic M,
Gear R, Freudenberg JM, Schneider J, Bornschein R, Yan M, Mistry MJ,
Hendrix H, Karyala S, Halbleib D, Heffelfinger S, Clegg DJ, Anderson
MW. Influence of Fatty Acid Diets on Gene Expression in Rat Mammary
Epithelial Cells.
Physiologic Genomics
10: 80-88, 2009.
Genter MB, Warner BM, Medvedovic M, Sartor, MA.
Comparison of rat olfactory mucosal responses to carcinogenic
and non-carcinogenic chloracetanilides. Food and Chemical
Toxicology. 47: 1051-1057, 2009.
Medvedovic M, Halbleib D, Miller ML, LaDow K, Sartor MA, and
Tomlinson CR, Gene expression profiling of blood to predict the onset
of leukemia. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 42: 64-70, 2009.
Gandhi MS, Stringer JR, Nikiforova MN, Medvedovic M, and
Nikiforov YE. Gene position within chromosome territories correlates
with their involvement in distinct rearrangement types in thyroid
cancer cells. Genes Chromosomes.Cancer 48: 222-228, 2009.
Zhang X, Leav I, Revelo MP, Deka R, Medvedovic M, Jiang Z, and
Ho SM. Deletion Hotspots in AMACR Promoter CpG Island Are cis-Regulatory
Elements Controlling the Gene Expression in the Colon. PLoS Genet
5: e1000334, 2009.
Bien K, Wesselkamper SC, Liu X, Dietsch M, Majumder N, Concel VJ,
Medvedovic M, Sartor M, Henning LN, Venditto C, Borchers MT,
Barchowsky A, Weaver TE, Tichelaar JW, Prows DR, Korfhagen TR, Hardie
WD, Bachurski CJ, and Leikauf GD. Surfactant Associated Protein B is
Critical to Survival in Nickel-induced Injury in Mice. Am.J
Respir.Cell Mol Biol, 2009.
Sartor, M.A., Schnekenburger, M., Marlowe, J.L., Reichard, J.F., Wang,
Y., Fan, Y., Ma, C., Karyala, S., Halbleib, D., Liu, X.,
Medvedovic, M., and Puga, A. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor
regulatory network controls multiple morphogenetic
117:1139–1146, 2009.and developmental
programs. Environ Health Perspect. 117:1139–1146, 2009.
Neville N.C. Tam, Carol Ying-Ying Szeto, Maureen Sartor, Mario
Medvedovic, Shuk-Mei Ho. Gene-expression profiling
identifies lobe-specific and common disruptions of multiple gene
networks in testosterone-supported, 17b-estradiol-
or diethylstilbestrol-induced prostate dysplasia in Noble rats.
Neoplasia. 2008 10: 20-40.
Bakshi S, Zhang X, Godoy-Tundidor S, Cheng RY, Sartor MA, Medvedovic
M, and Ho SM, Transcriptome analyses in normal prostate epithelial
cells exposed to low-dose cadmium: oncogenic and immunomodulations
involving the action of tumor necrosis factor. Environ.Health
Perspect. 116: 769-776, 2008.
Borchers MT, Wesselkamper SC, Eppert BL, Motz GT, Sartor MA, Tomlinson
CR, Medvedovic M, and Tichelaar JW, Nonredundant functions of
alphabeta and gammadelta T cells in acrolein-induced pulmonary
pathology. Toxicol.Sci 105: 188-199, 2008.
Tang,WY, Newbold, R, Mardilovich, K, Jefferson, W, Cheng, R, Szeto,
C, Medvedovic, M, Shuk-Mei Ho. Identification of nucleosomal
binding protein 1 (Nsbp1) as a gene susceptible to diethylstilbestrol-
or genistein-induced developmental reprogramming via DNA methylation
in the mouse uterus. Endocrinology. 2008 Jul 31. [Epub ahead of
Sartor MA, Leikauf GD, and Medvedovic M. LRpath: A logistic
regression approach for identifying enriched biological groups in gene
expression data. Bioinformatics, 2008.
Schwanekamp JA, Sartor MA, Karyala S, Halbleib D,
Medvedovic M, Tomlinson CR. Genome-wide analyses show that
nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA levels are differentially affected by
dioxin. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2007.
Cao B, Medvedovic M, Meller J. Prediction of Transmembrane
Domains and Pore-facing Residues in Beta-barrel Membrane Proteins.
Applications of Statistical and Machine Learning Methods in
Bioinformatics. Editors: Jaroslaw Meller and Wielsav Novak. Peter
Lang GmbH, Berlin. 2007.
Hardie WD, Korfhagen TR, Sartor MA, Prestridge A, Medvedovic M,
Le Cras TD, Ikegami M, Tomlinson CR, Nichols W, Wesselkamper SC,
Whitsett JA, Leikauf GD. Genomic Signature of Matrix and Vasculature
Remodeling in TGFa-induced
Pulmonary Fibrosis. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2007 May 11; [Epub
ahead of print]
Liu X, Jessen W, Sivaganesan S, Aronow B, Medvedovic M.
Bayesian hierarchical models for learning transcriptional modules from
expression and location data. BMC Bioinformatics. 2007 Aug
Ganguly K, Stoeger T, Wesselkamper SC, Reinhard C, Sartor MA,
Medvedovic M, Tomlinson CR, Bolle I, Mason JM, Leikauf GD, Schulz
H. Candidate genes controlling pulmonary function in mice: transcript
profiling and predicted protein structure. Physiol Genomics.
2007 Nov 14;31(3):410-421.
Popa I, Zubkova I, Medvedovic M, Romantseva T, Mostowski H,
Zaitseva M. Transcription factors that control proliferation of
epithelial cell progenitors are up-regulated in the stroma of the
regenerating adult thymus: results of the microarray study. Int
Immunol. 2007 Nov;19(11):1249-60.
Sartor MA, Tomlinson CR, Wesselkamper SC, Sivaganesan S, Leikauf GD,
and Medvedovic M, Intensity-based hierarchical Bayes method improves
testing for differentially expressed genes in microarray experiments.
7: 538, 2006.
(Support Page)
Liu X, Sivaganesan S, Yeung K.Y., Bumgarner RE, and Medvedovic M.
Bayesian context-specific infinite mixture model for clustering of
gene expression profiles across diverse microarray datasets.
Bioinformatics 22:1737-44. 2006. (Support
Medvedovic M, Tomlinson CR, Call MK, Grogg M, Tsonis PA. Gene
Expression and Discovery during Lens Regeneration in Mouse: Regulation
of EMT and Lens Differentiation.
Mol Vis.
12:422-40. 2006
Sartor MA, Zorn AM, Schwanekamp J, Halbleib D, Karyala S, Howell ML,
Dean GE, Medvedovic M, Tomlinson CR. A new method to remove
hybridization bias for interspecies comparison of global gene
expression profiles uncovers an association between mRNA sequence
divergence and differential gene expression in Xenopus.
Nucleic Acids Research 34(1):185-200. 2006.
Medvedovic, M., Wiest, J.S. DNA
Microarrays and Computational Analysis of DNA Microarray Data in Cancer
Research. In Molecular Carcinogenesis, Warshawsky and Landolph,
CRC Press, 2006 .
Erwin CR, Jarboe MD, Sartor MA, Medvedovic M, Warner BW, Bates
MD. Developmental Characteristics of Adapting Small Intestine Crypt
Gastroenterology 130(4):1324-32. 2006.
Mesa CJr., Mirza M, Mitsutake N, Sartor MA, Medvedovic M,
Tomlinson CR, Knauf JA, Weber G, Fagin JA. Conditional activation of
the RET/PTC3 and B-RAFV600E oncoproteins in thyroid cells is
associated with unique patterns of gene expression that predict
distinct functional properties and a preferential role of BRAF in
extracellular matrix remodeling.
Cancer Research, 66(13):6521-9. 2006.
Wesselkamper SC, McDowell SA, Medvedovic M, Dalton TP, Deshmukh HS,
Sartor MA, Case LM, Henning LN, Borchers MT, Tomlinson CR, Prows DR,
Leikauf GD. The Role of Metallothionein in the Pathogenesis of Acute
Lung Injury.
Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 34(1):73-82. 2006.
Gandhi M.,
Medvedovic M.,
Stringer J.R., Nikiforov, Y. Interphase chromosome folding determines
spatial proximity of genes participating in carcinogenic ret/ptc
Oncogene. 25(16):2360-6. 2006.
Crystal R Icenhour, Jonathan Arnold, Mario Medvedovic, and
Melanie T Cushion. Competitive Coexistence of Two Pneumocystis
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 6(3):177-86. 2006.
Stringer JR, Larson JS, Fischer JM, Medvedovic M, Hersh MN,
Boivin GP, Stringer SL. Modeling variation in tumors in vivo.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Feb 3;
[Epub ahead of print].
Puxeddu E, Zhao G, Stringer JR, Medvedovic M, Moretti S, Fagin
JA. Characterization of novel non-clonal intrachromosomal rearrangements
between the H4 and PTEN genes (H4/PTEN) in human thyroid cell lines and
papillary thyroid cancer specimens. Mutat Res. 15: 17-32. 2005
Puxeddu E, Knauf JA, Sartor MA, Mitsutake N, Smith EP, Medvedovic M,
Tomlinson CR, Moretti S, Fagin JA. RET/PTC-induced gene expression in
thyroid PCCL3 cells reveals early activation of genes involved in
regulation of the immune response Endocr Relat Cancer.
12(2):319-34. 2005
Wesselkamper SC, Case LM, Henning LN, Borchers MT, Tichelaar JW, Mason
JM, Dragin N, Medvedovic M, Sartor MA, Tomlinson CR, Leikauf GD. Gene
Expression Changes During the Development of Acute Lung Injury: Role
of TGF-{beta}. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 172(11):1399-411.
Medvedovic M., Guo, J.,
Bayesian Model-Averaging in Unsupervised Learning From Microarray Data.
BIOKDD 2004.
Bahassi, E.M., Karyla, S.,
Tomlinson, C.R., Sartor, M.A., Medvedovic, M., Hennigan, R.F.
Inhibition of AP-1 Function Differentially Affects Tumor Cell
Proliferation and Migration. Clinical and Experimental Metastasis,
(In Press) 2004.
Puga, A., Sartor, M.A., Huang, M-Y,
Kerzee, K.J., Wei, Y-D, Tomlinson, C.R., Baxter, C.S., Medvedovic, M.
Gene expression profiles of mouse aourta and cultured vascular smooth
muscle cells are widely different, yet show common responses to dioxin
exposure. Cardiovascular Toxicology
4(4):385-404.2004. (Abstract)
Leikauf GD, Hardie WD, Wesselkamper
SC, Bachurski CJ, Medvedovic M, Sartor MA, Tomlinson CR, McDowell
SA, Henning LM, Case LM, Tichelaar JW, Prows DR, Korfhagen TR: Resolving
Gene-Environment Interactions in Complex Traits: Acute Lung Injury.
Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. (In Press)
Whitsett JA, Bachurski CJ, Barnes
KC, Bunn PA, Jr., Case LM, Cook DN, Crooks D, Duncan MW, Dwyer-Nield L,
Elston RC, Fessler MB, Franklin WA, Friedman N, Garcia JG, Geraci MW,
Glasgow C, Glasser SW, Hardie WD, Henning LM, Johnson GL, Kawkitinarong
K, Keith RL, Korfhagen TR, Leikauf GD, Liggett SB, Malcolm KC, Malkinson
AM, Mariani TJ, McDowell SA, McGraw DW, Medvedovic M, Moss J,
Nogee LM, Nonas S, Pacheco-Rodriguez G, Palmer LJ, Peters DG, Prows DR,
Redline S, Regev A, Sartor MA, Schwartz DA, Silverman EK, Steagall WK,
Stearman RS, Taveira-DaSilva A, Tichelaar JW, Tomlinson CR, Tsukada K,
Weaver TE, Wert SE, Wesselkamper SC, Worthen GS, Xu Y, Zerbe L, Zhang Y,
Zhang Y, Choi AM, and Kaminski N, Functional genomics of lung disease.
Am.J.Respir.Cell Mol.Biol. 31: S1-S81, 2004.
Yeung KY, Medvedovic M, and
Bumgarner RE, From co-expression to co-regulation: how many microarray
experiments do we need?
Genome Biol. 5: R48, 2004.
Zhang J., Moseley A., Jegga A.G.,
Gupta A., Witte D.P., Sartor M., Medvedovic M., Williams S.S.,
Ley-Ebert C., Coolen L., Egnaczyk G., Genter M.B., Lehman M., Lingrel
J., Maggio J., Parysek L., Walsh R., Xu M., Aronow B.J. Neural
system-enriched gene expression, relationship to biological pathways and
neurological diseases. Physiologic Genomics 18: 167-183, 2004.
Sonntag, D.M., de Boer, J.,
Medvedovic, M., Baxter, S.C., LeMasters, G., Dourson, M., Talaska,
G. Mutational biases associated with potential iron-binding DNA motifs
in rodent lacI and human p53 mutational databases. Mutat.Res.
550: 73-88, 2004.
Sartor, M.A., Schwanekamp, J.,
Halbleib, D., Mohamed, I., Karyala, S., Medvedovic, M. and
Tomlinson, C.R. Microarray results improve significantly as
hybridization approaches equilibrium. Biotechniques 36: 790-796,
Medvedovic, M., Yeung, K.Y.,
Bumgarner, R.E. Bayesian Mixtures for Clustering Replicated Microarray
Data. Bioinformatics. 20: 1222-1232, 2004.(PDF)
Schulte,P.A., Carreón,T., Bailer,J.A.,Medvedovic,M. Design and
Analysis Issues in Studies of Gene-Environment Interactions.
IARC Scientific Publications, 57: 417-453.
Karyala, S., Guo, J., Sartor, M.,
Medvedovic, M., Kann, S., Puga, A., Ryan, P., and Tomlinson, C.R..
Different global gene expression profiles in
benzo[a]pyrene- and dioxin-treated vascular smooth muscle
cells of AHR-knockout and wild-type mice. Cardiovascular Toxicology,
4: 47-74. 2004.(Abstract)
Guo, J., Sartor, M.,
Karyala, S., Medvedovic, M., Puga, A., Ryan, P., Tomlinson, C.R.
Expression of genes in the TGF-β signaling pathway is significantly
deregulated in smooth muscle cells from aorta of aryl hydrocarbon
receptor knockout mice. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 194:
79-89. 2004.(Abstract)
2003 and before
Yutaka Tsuneoka, Timothy P. Dalton,
Marian L. Miller, Corey D. Clay, Howard G. Shertzer, Glenn Talaska,
Mario Medvedovic, Daniel W. Nebert.
Liver and Urinary Bladder DNA Adduct Formation Induced by
4-Aminobiphenyl in Cyp1a2(-/-) and Cyp1a2(+/+) Mice. J.
Natl. Cancer Inst. 95(16):1227-37. 2003.
Yeung, K.Y.,
Medvedovic,M. Bumgarner, R.E. Clustering Gene Expression Data
With Repeated Measurements.
Genome Biology
4(5): R34. 2003
Medvedovic M., Sivaganesan S.
Bayesian infinite mixture model based clustering of gene expression
profiles. Bioinformatics 18: 1194-1206, 2002.
Knauf J.A., Ward L.S., Nikiforov Y.,
Nikiforova M, Puxeddu E., Medvedovic M., Nui W., Liron T., Mochly-Rosen
D., Fagin J.A.. Isozyme-specific abnormalities of protein kinase c in
thyroid cancer: Evidence for epigenetic changes in pkc epsilon. The
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 87: 2150-2159, 2002.
King N.M., Oakley G., Medvedovic
M., Dixon K. The XPA Protein Alters the Specificity of Ultraviolet
Light-Induced Mutagenesis in Vitro. Environmental and Molecular
Mutagenesis. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 37:329-39,
Medvedovic M., Succop P.,
Dixon K., Shukla R. Clustering mutational spectra via classification
likelihood and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithm. Journal of
Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 6: 19-37.
Li Y., Carty, M.P., Oakley, G.G.,
Seidman, M.M., Medvedovic M., Dixon, K. Expression of ATM in
Ataxia Telangiectasia Fibroblasts Rescues Defects in DNA Double-Strand
Break Repair in Nuclear Extracts. Environmental and Molecular
Mutagenesis, 37: 128-140. 2001.
Puga A., Maier A., Medvedovic M.
The transcriptional signature of dioxin in human hepatoma HepG2 cells.
Biochemical Pharmacology, 60: 1129-1142. 2000.
Nikiforova M., Stringer J.R., Blough
R., Medvedovic M., Fagin J.A., Nikiforov Y.A. Proximity of
Chromosomal Loci That Participate in Radiation-Induced Translocations in
Human Cells. Science, 290: 138-141. 2000.
Medvedovic M. Clustering Multinomial Observations via
Classification Likelihood and MCMC Algorithms.
Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meeting 2000: Statistical
Computing Section.
, 48-51.
2000. (PDF)
Levin, S.L., Rice, C.H., Lemasters,
G.K., Lockey, J., Medvedovic, M. What is the Potential
Measurement Error in Occupational Exposure Studies. Journal of the
Air & Waste Management Association. 50: 941-947, 2000.
Bhattacharya, A., Teuschler, W.J.,
Dimov, M., Medvedovic, M., Lemasters G. Development and
Evaluation of a Microprocessor Based Ergonomic Dosimeter for Evaluating
Carpentry Tasks. Applied Ergonomics, 30: 543-553, 1999.
Liu, S., Medvedovic, M.,
Dixon, K. Mutational Specificity in a Shuttle Vector Replicating in
Chromium(VI)-treated Mammalian Cells. Environmental And Molecular
Mutagenesis, 33: (4) 313-319, 1999.
McKay, T.R., Levin, L., Lockey, J.,
Lemasters, G., Medvedovic, M., Papes, D., Simpson, S., Rice, H.C.
Weight Change and Lung Function: Implications for Epidemiological and
Workplace Surveillance Studies. Journal of Occupational and
Environmental Medicine, 41: (7) 596-604, 1999.
Bhattacharya, A,, Smelser, T.D.,
Berger, O., Shukla, R., Medvedovic, M. The Effect of Succimer
Therapy in Lead Intoxication Using Postural Balance as a Measure: A Case
Study in a Nine Year Old Child. Neurotoxicology 19: 57-64, 1998.
Ward, S.L., Brenta, G.,
Medvedovic, M., Fagin, A.J.. Studies of Allelic Loss in Thyroid
Tumors Reveal Major Differences in Chromosomal Instability Between
Papillary and Follicular Carcinomas. Journal of Clinical
Endocrinology and Metabolism. 83(2); 525-30, 1998.
Lockey, J., Levin, S.L., Lemasters,
K.G., McKay, T.R., Hansen, R.K., Papes, D.M., Simpson, S.,
Medvedovic, M. Longitudinal Estimates of Pulmonary Function in
Refractory Ceramic Fiber Manufacturing Workers. The American Journal
of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine. 157: 1226-33, 1998.